Buying And Taking A Test
iTEP High School Exchange

J Visa High School Exchange Test
iTEP High School Exchange Test
Grammar, Listening, Reading, and Speaking. The Speaking section is graded by ESL Professionals.
Frequently Asked Questions
You have questions. We get it. We also have answers.
What is the structure of iTEP Exchange?
A. Grammar (Structure) — 6 minutes/ two parts
Part 1. Eight fill-in-the-blank, multiple-choice questions testing the examinee’s familiarity with key features of English structure; questions range from beginner to advanced.
Part 2. Seven multiple-choice questions where the examinee selects the part of speech with incorrect English structure; questions range from elementary to advanced.
B. Listening — 5 minutes/ two parts
Part 1. Four high-beginning to low-intermediate level short conversations of two to three sentences, each followed by one multiple-choice question.
Part 2. One two- to three-minute high-intermediate level conversation, followed by four multiple-choice questions.
C. Reading — 15 minutes/ one part
Part 1. One intermediate-level passage of approximately 250 words in length, followed by four multiple-choice questions.
D. Speaking — 5 minutes/ three parts (plus one minute warm-up section)
Part 1. The examinee hears and reads a short question geared to low-intermediate level, then has 30 seconds to prepare a spoken response and 45 seconds to speak.
Part 2. The examinee hears a brief upper-level statement presenting two sides of an issue, then is asked to express his or her thoughts on the topic, with 45 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak.
How is the iTEP Exchange test administered?
iTEP Intern is administered on home computers using the Respondus Lockdown Browser.
How long does the iTEP Exchange test take?
iTEP Exchange can be completed in just 70 minutes, and scores are available in less than 24 hours.
How do agents use the test results?
iTEP Exchange is used by recruiting agents abroad to pre-screen students who have the required English proficiency to be accepted by J1 visa sponsors and US high schools.
How do I find out my score?
We will email your test results to you as soon as they are available (normally in less than 24 hours). You will also have a link to download your detailed score report and to download a three-color certificate of completion.
How long do I have to take the test?
Tests bought are good for one year. Once you take the test, the scores are valid for two years.
More questions?
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