Screen Shot 2022-05-20 at 3.16.40 PMHere's a chance to discover who we are and what we're all about. Plus, we'd love to hear from you.


Learn more about Academic Language Solutions and iTEP.

30-90 minutes. Constant security monitoring during each test. More than a thousand institutions around the world use and accept iTEP.

 Learn more about iTEP tests now!



    Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 8.11.44 AMThe pulse of our company. Here are the tests we currently provide to anyone wishing to demonstrate their English proficiency.


    Learn more about all of our tests from Academic Language Solutions and iTEP.
    Discover which test is right for your organization.

    30-90 minutes. Prevention to post-assessment security monitoring. Academic tests and career tests are available to enhance the services you provide to your participants. More than a thousand institutions around the world use and accept iTEP.

     Find the right iTEP test now!



      Screen Shot 2022-05-20 at 3.09.41 PMChoose the test you need to take. Academic tests are needed for admission to the program or school of your choice. Career tests are necessary to get a job or a promotion.
      Choose a test you need to take from the menu on your left, then purchase it. Each test is good for one year. Scores are good for two years.
      buy the test that's right for you.

      Choose from Academic tests to Career tests. Receive your scores in less than 24 hours.

       Purchase and take the right iTEP test now!



        Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 8.10.49 AM
        Here's a sample job placement chart to show how you can use iTEP scores to place students with employers to ensure success. And we answer the question ... "Which iTEP Test Should I Be Using?"
        We also encourage the use of CEFR scores, and we've provided you a definitive guide for using CEFR Levels and accepting students.
        Learn more about all of our tests from Academic Language Solutions and iTEP.
        set job candidates and employers up for success before the job begins.

        The information on this page is based on years of iTEP Conversation test scores. Thousands of job applicants have been tested with the iTEP Conversation exam. These scores have been used to accept workers and then used to for placement in seasonal jobs. The “typical jobs” are just suggestions. Let iTEP take care of assessing English proficiency, and you can concentrate on other student qualities.

         We can develop a unique placement chart for your organization!
          Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 8.10.49 AMFirst, take an iTEP English test. Then, to build your English speaking confidence, use Flow Speak. Weekly lessons specifically tailored to your English level. Discover the art of understanding and incorporating authentic expressions commonly used by native speakers during conversations.
          Learn more about Academic Language Solutions and our partnership with FLOW Speak.
          REQUEST A FREE PROMO subscription TO Flow Speak. You can also request a Free test FROM OUR DIVERSE LIST OF ENGLISH TESTS.

          We partnered up with FLOW Speak because all you have to do is test once, and speak often. You'll take your English level from the iTEP test, and then using FLOW Speak, you'll speak more confidently and achieve that English fluency you want.

            Stay In The Know

            Our case studies provide real-world testing examples and applications of theoretical concepts, bridging the gap between theory and practice. They allow readers to see how other J1 Sponsors' and Agents' problems are identified, analyzed, and solved in real-life scenarios.

            By studying cases, other sponsors and agents can learn valuable lessons on what works and doesn't, avoiding potential pitfalls.

            Our case studies don't simulate real-life decision-making processes. They are the real deal. We present them here to help readers develop the ability to make informed and effective decisions that benefit all of your stakeholders. We have highlighted best practices and benchmarks, which can serve as models for improvement and innovation in student exchange programs.

            Please let us know if your organization wants to be considered for a case study!

              Test Taker Privacy Policy

              Find out what test taker information we deal with, how we store it, whom we share it with, and what your rights are.

              Your privacy is critically important to us.

              Please read this privacy notice carefully as it contains important information on who we are, how and why we collect, store, use, and share personal information, your rights in relation to your personal information, and how to contact us and supervisory authorities in the event you have a complaint.

              Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act

              This website and any products and services offered herein are not intended for persons under the age of 13. Academic Language Solutions - iTEP does not knowingly collect information from anyone under 13 years of age. Academic Language Solutions - iTEP, prohibits children under the age of 13 from using all interactive portions of this website, registering for tests, including leaving any comments, filling out forms, or otherwise submitting information. Academic Language Solutions - iTEP will not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. If Academic Language Solutions - iTEP learns it has any information or content from anyone under the age of 13, it will delete that information.

              iTEP International and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP is concerned with the privacy of all test takers and our clients. This Test taker Privacy and Information Security Policy defines our approach to the gathering and processing of the personal information of iTEP test takers. Test takers and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP clients may provide personal information in many different ways. However, the primary way for a test taker to provide personal information is through the registration period prior to taking an iTEP test. No matter what method is used to collect the personal information of test-takers and clients, we are committed to protecting and properly securing personal information.

              Any information that can personally identify a test taker is considered “personal information.” When referring to test takers, iTEP International and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP is referring to all individuals who register and complete any of its tests, including official, sample, promotional, or diagnostic tests. In this regard, test takers are clearly differentiated from other iTEP and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP stakeholders such as employment applicants or third-party contractors, visa sponsors and agents for whom other policies and procedures may apply. Proving personal information and registering to take an iTEP test indicates the test taker’s consent and agreement to all terms and conditions of this policy and terms of use.

              What This Policy Is

              Through a description of the iTEP International and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP Test taker Privacy and Information Security Policy, we seek to define how we collect, retain, and disclose personal information. By agreeing to the iTEP International and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP Test taker Privacy and Information Security Policy, you acknowledge that you have entered into an agreement and are subject to the policy. To the extent to which you have entered into any other agreement with iTEP International, this agreement shall supersede those terms.

              Information that test-takers provide to iTEP

              For the purposes of test taking, scoring, and reporting, iTEP International and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP gathers, processes and discloses Personal Information that has been willingly provided by the test taker to us, including:

              1. Full name
              2. Email address
              3. Phone number
              4. Date of birth
              5. A government-issued identification number
              6. Educational level
              7. Native language
              8. Country of residence
              9. Date of the last test
              10. Photographs and video
              11. Written responses
              12. Recorded audio and video of spoken responses
              13. The audio record of your speaking ability for some language tests
              14. Answers to surveys or website registrations

              The use and disclosure of personal information

              iTEP International and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP uses test takers’ personal information to provide reliable, convenient English proficiency testing at an affordable price. As such, iTEP International and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP reserves the right to make lawful use of the test taker's personal information. The lawful use includes but is not limited to collecting, processing, retaining, verifying, displaying, transferring, and disclosing personal information. iTEP International and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP does not sell test-taker information to third parties.

              iTEP International and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP discloses personal information to:

              • Report score information to third-party universities and high schools upon request by the test taker.
              • Generate reports that do not specifically identify any test taker.
              • Generate reports that use statistical data for research which is shared with third-party stakeholders such as schools, universities, and government agencies.
              • Create sample and preparation materials that do not identify the test taker in any way.
              • Conduct regular business processes such as identity verification of persons taking a test or those requesting scores to be sent to third parties.

              Storing of personal information

              iTEP International and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP stores the personal information of test takers for a period that the company deems necessary to provide English proficiency evaluation services to our clients. We may discard personal information at our own discretion.

              Test taker access to personal information

              iTEP International and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP does not provide test takers access to their personal information in a form or method that can be updated by the test taker. Generally, personal information collected by us cannot be changed. iTEP International and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP alone can determine what personal information may be changed or adjusted after its collection.

              Securing personal information

              iTEP International and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP uses internal procedures to protect the personal information of test takers. These procedures include using unique usernames and passwords for all administrative logins, training staff on proper and lawful disclosure procedures, and maintaining the most updated firewall and malware protection on all company devices. In addition, we routinely conduct third-party stress testing of our security measures and certify these procedures. iTEP International and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP has instituted these procedures to comply with all laws that dictate the prevention of unauthorized disclosure of personal information.

              Your Rights

              If you want to unsubscribe from receiving e-mails from Academic Language Solutions - iTEP, you may do so at any time. Each e-mail from us includes instructions for unsubscribing from these e-mail communications.

              Keeping Your Personal Information Secure

              We have appropriate security measures in place to prevent personal information from being accidentally lost, used, or accessed in an unauthorized way. We limit access to your personal information to those who have a genuine business need to know it. Those processing your information will do so only in an authorized manner and are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

              We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. We will notify you and any applicable authorities of a suspected data security breach where we are legally required to do so.

              Withdrawing consent

              iTEP International and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP does not sell or disclose personal information to third parties without the specific consent of the test taker for these actions. In addition, any disclosure of personal information is in a non-identified aggregate form used for research reports. Therefore, iTEP International and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP does offer or require a withdrawal of consent option.

              Test taker consent

              iTEP International and Academic Language Solutions - iTEP ensure that test takers are aware of these policies by requiring their consent at the time of test registration.  By completing the fields on the registration page and agreeing to the terms of the consent form, test takers choose voluntarily to engage in a process that requires the collection of personal data. Test takers are bound by their consent.

              How to Complain

              We hope that we can resolve any questions or concerns you raise about our use of your information.

              If you are covered by the General Data Protection Regulation, you may lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the European Union (or European Economic Area) state where you work, normally live, or where any alleged infringement of data protection laws occurred.

              Changes to This Privacy Notice

              This policy is effective as of 1 August 2022.  We may change, modify or update this Privacy Policy at any time and will notify you of any such changes by email.

              How to Contact Us

              If you have any questions or concerns about this Test-Taker Privacy Policy, the information we hold about you, or you wish to change your personal information in our records, please contact