Case Studies
Research from Academic Language Solutions

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30-90 minutes. Constant security monitoring during each test. More than a thousand institutions around the world use and accept iTEP.
30-90 minutes. Prevention to post-assessment security monitoring. Academic tests and career tests are available to enhance the services you provide to your participants. More than a thousand institutions around the world use and accept iTEP.
Choose from Academic tests to Career tests. Receive your scores in less than 24 hours.
The information on this page is based on years of iTEP Conversation test scores. Thousands of job applicants have been tested with the iTEP Conversation exam. These scores have been used to accept workers and then used to for placement in seasonal jobs. The “typical jobs” are just suggestions. Let iTEP take care of assessing English proficiency, and you can concentrate on other student qualities.
We partnered up with FLOW Speak because all you have to do is test once, and speak often. You'll take your English level from the iTEP test, and then using FLOW Speak, you'll speak more confidently and achieve that English fluency you want.
Our case studies provide real-world testing examples and applications of theoretical concepts, bridging the gap between theory and practice. They allow readers to see how other J1 Sponsors' and Agents' problems are identified, analyzed, and solved in real-life scenarios.
By studying cases, other sponsors and agents can learn valuable lessons on what works and doesn't, avoiding potential pitfalls.
Our case studies don't simulate real-life decision-making processes. They are the real deal. We present them here to help readers develop the ability to make informed and effective decisions that benefit all of your stakeholders. We have highlighted best practices and benchmarks, which can serve as models for improvement and innovation in student exchange programs.
Please let us know if your organization wants to be considered for a case study!
Let us know of your interest and we'll be in touch.