Screen Shot 2022-05-20 at 3.16.40 PMHere's a chance to discover who we are and what we're all about. Plus, we'd love to hear from you.


Learn more about Academic Language Solutions and iTEP.

30-90 minutes. Constant security monitoring during each test. More than a thousand institutions around the world use and accept iTEP.

 Learn more about iTEP tests now!



    Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 8.11.44 AMThe pulse of our company. Here are the tests we currently provide to anyone wishing to demonstrate their English proficiency.


    Learn more about all of our tests from Academic Language Solutions and iTEP.
    Discover which test is right for your organization.

    30-90 minutes. Prevention to post-assessment security monitoring. Academic tests and career tests are available to enhance the services you provide to your participants. More than a thousand institutions around the world use and accept iTEP.

     Find the right iTEP test now!



      Screen Shot 2022-05-20 at 3.09.41 PMChoose the test you need to take. Academic tests are needed for admission to the program or school of your choice. Career tests are necessary to get a job or a promotion.
      Choose a test you need to take from the menu on your left, then purchase it. Each test is good for one year. Scores are good for two years.
      buy the test that's right for you.

      Choose from Academic tests to Career tests. Receive your scores in less than 24 hours.

       Purchase and take the right iTEP test now!



        Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 8.10.49 AM
        Here's a sample job placement chart to show how you can use iTEP scores to place students with employers to ensure success. And we answer the question ... "Which iTEP Test Should I Be Using?"
        We also encourage the use of CEFR scores, and we've provided you a definitive guide for using CEFR Levels and accepting students.
        Learn more about all of our tests from Academic Language Solutions and iTEP.
        set job candidates and employers up for success before the job begins.

        The information on this page is based on years of iTEP Conversation test scores. Thousands of job applicants have been tested with the iTEP Conversation exam. These scores have been used to accept workers and then used to for placement in seasonal jobs. The “typical jobs” are just suggestions. Let iTEP take care of assessing English proficiency, and you can concentrate on other student qualities.

         We can develop a unique placement chart for your organization!
          Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 8.10.49 AMFirst, take an iTEP English test. Then, to build your English speaking confidence, use Flow Speak. Weekly lessons specifically tailored to your English level. Discover the art of understanding and incorporating authentic expressions commonly used by native speakers during conversations.
          Learn more about Academic Language Solutions and our partnership with FLOW Speak.
          REQUEST A FREE PROMO subscription TO Flow Speak. You can also request a Free test FROM OUR DIVERSE LIST OF ENGLISH TESTS.

          We partnered up with FLOW Speak because all you have to do is test once, and speak often. You'll take your English level from the iTEP test, and then using FLOW Speak, you'll speak more confidently and achieve that English fluency you want.

            Stay In The Know

            Our case studies provide real-world testing examples and applications of theoretical concepts, bridging the gap between theory and practice. They allow readers to see how other J1 Sponsors' and Agents' problems are identified, analyzed, and solved in real-life scenarios.

            By studying cases, other sponsors and agents can learn valuable lessons on what works and doesn't, avoiding potential pitfalls.

            Our case studies don't simulate real-life decision-making processes. They are the real deal. We present them here to help readers develop the ability to make informed and effective decisions that benefit all of your stakeholders. We have highlighted best practices and benchmarks, which can serve as models for improvement and innovation in student exchange programs.

            Please let us know if your organization wants to be considered for a case study!

              1 min read

              Students From 118 Countries

              Students From 118 Countries

              Exchange Students come from all over the world. I’d say that the last “normal” (pre-pandemic) year was 2019. I took a look at July 2019 J-Visa issuance and noted the range of countries represented. Just look at the L’s. There were students from Latvia, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania and Luxembourg! Where are your students from?  

              The High School Exchange Visitor Program is one of the most popular programs of all the exchange programs. To me, the high school exchange visitor is synonymous with “exchange student”. You, the school administrator, are an important cog in the wheel of public diplomacy as we welcome these future world leaders to our US high school campuses. Your exchange student of today will be a political, social or business leader of tomorrow.

              Where Do These Students Come From?


              Exchange programs reach far and wide around the globe, but still, you can see from the chart below that about half of the J-1 exchange students come to the USA from European countries.  If you include F-Visa students, the picture changes with many more Asian countries taking the leading spots.  But, for the traditional J-Visa exchange, Germany, Spain and Italy hold the top three spots.  Note that even in 2020, with the impact of COVID-19, the relative positioning of the countries has remained pretty much the same.

              As students are arriving now in schools across the country, we will be looking to update you on trends we see.  The Delta variant is having a significant impact on travel and placements, and some countries are more affected than others with difficulties in opening embassies and consulates for visa appointments.  It looks like we might have more applications this year for January semester enrollments as well.  As we hear from sponsors and schools, we will keep you informed.

              We also know you are experiencing students who are homesick, adjusting to a second language, fitting in with a new family.  We encourage you to utilize the resources provided by the local coordinator of your program sponsor.  Additionally, this newsletter, in the future, will interview leaders in the field to help you make your exchange program even more successful.

              Exchange Students Have A Lot Of Courage

              Exchange Students Have A Lot Of Courage

              Think back to when you were sixteen years old. What was your focus?

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              Why Taking iTEP Intern Can Help You Win That Internship

              Why Taking iTEP Intern Can Help You Win That Internship

              As someone who’s done more than my fair share of job interviews over the years, I can tell you that it’s not the most fun thing in the world. It’s...

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              From Anxiety to Aced: How To Overcome iTEP Test-Taking Stress

              From Anxiety to Aced: How To Overcome iTEP Test-Taking Stress

              Overcoming test-taking anxiety is crucial for achieving success on the iTEP English proficiency test. Test-taking anxiety can be caused by multiple...

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