Buying And Taking A Test
The iTEP BUNAC Intern Test

Intern And Trainee English Assessment
iTEP Intern Test (BUNAC)
Retail Price
Frequently Asked Questions
You have questions. We get it. We also have answers.
What is the structure of The iTEP BUNAC Intern Test?
iTEP Intern assesses speaking and listening skills using content specific to a workplace environment. The test challenges prospective interns to demonstrate that they are capable of communicating verbally in English.
iTEP Intern helps determine if an applicant can effectively receive instructions and perform communication-related tasks such as answering phones, delivering messages, and participating in meetings.
How is The iTEP BUNAC Intern test administered?
iTEP BUNAC Intern is administered on a home or laptop computer using the Google Chrome browser and a lockdown browser built into the test.
How long does the iTEP BUNAC Intern test take?
iTEP Intern can be completed in 30 minutes, and scores are available within 24 to 48 hours. The test is human-graded.
How does BUNAC use the test results?
The test results are used to qualify participants on the Internship program. The minimum score to achieve is CEFR level B2.
How do I find out my score?
We will email your test results as soon as they are available (normally within 24 to 48 hours). You will also receive a link to download your two-page score report and your official certificate of completion.
How long do I have to take the test?
Tests bought are good for one year. Once you take the test, the scores are valid for two years.
More questions?
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